Seeing how the noble novel is my bread and butter, and those can take a while to get through, allow me to first direct you to a couple of short stories inspired by the likes of Fritz Leiber and Robert E. Howard.
But while those two have definitely left plenty of footsteps worth following, it's important to note that the stories you'll find below are not necessarily representative of my usual style. Given a blank canvas of a novel-length, I tend to produce works that are humorous in nature and feature a collection of eccentric characters, numerous amusing observations, and a complex weave of interconnected jokes and references.
In comparison, my short fiction is rather straight-faced and straightforward. But don't you worry, you'll still find plenty of my creative DNA in there:
- Star Support – Simply put, this is Die Hard with space pirates.
- The Desert Lance – A world-weary mercenary famous for his demon-slaying prowess investigates a series of mysterious disappearances.