
Seeing how the noble novel is my bread and butter, and those can take a while to get through, allow me to first direct you to a couple of short stories inspired by the likes of Fritz Leiber and Robert E. Howard.

But while those two have definitely left plenty of footsteps worth following, it's important to note that the stories you'll find below are not necessarily representative of my usual style. Given a blank canvas of a novel-length, I tend to produce works that are humorous in nature and feature a collection of eccentric characters, numerous amusing observations, and a complex weave of interconnected jokes and references.

In comparison, my short fiction is rather straight-faced and straightforward. But don't you worry, you'll still find plenty of my creative DNA in there:

And now, let's move on to some novel excerpts. At this point, I have a total of nine finished novels under my belt, but a few of those are not quite as polished as I would prefer, while some of the earlier ones should never be seen by mortal eyes. Here's a quick sample:
I also can do interactive fiction. It's nothing fancy, but it does what it says on the tin. Mind you, exporting the project and putting it here made the formatting look a little funky. The "Go back" arrows are seemingly here to stay, and reloading can be a bit weird (If you lose, you should close the browser and reload the page. Otherwise, it has the tendency to not restart properly in this environment). But other than that, everything seems to work just fine: